Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Jumu'ah Barakah,,,Wish you all the best always...

today i almost miss my fajr pray,,then i bounce my self to got wudhu. as i wipe my face ..

 I remember you
 it's always amaze me that i never

forget your birthday,,and today,, happy 28 years old..
I wish I could forget my love to you,,but contrary I've been keep it for 12 years old..

hehehehe,,,, sorry to say,,

if you hate me over my feeling, yes absolutely i deserve..

oke lets make dua..

Ya Allah give him and his family barakah...put him and his beloved wife and son/daughter in jannah

Be a humble person..

happy 12 years for knowing you, in this jumuah barakah in December 12th 2014

Minggu, 21 September 2014

Kucing dulu Ajah......

dikasih ke mama, before I can please her with a baby. Often she told me about my “beauty” –my cat- what she had done. I miss her so much. Yes,,my mom and the cat. My father and my lil bro love her too. If I lay down my head on sofa, it usually bite my head. Oh..seems she tried to give a massage hehehe....

It’s every woman dream to have a cute baby. Soaring him/her with a bunch of kiss and cover with a warm hug. I wish I can have them as young as possible. When my knee strong enough to play hide and seek. I can cook for them, teach them, and see them as next moslem leader!

I wish Allah hear my Du’a.. Amin...  :D