Jumat, 24 Desember 2010


Once, I had felt in love with you,yeah,deeply enough.

Until I reconsidered,that it merely an obsession to tight you into no where.

I've been trying to banishing all remambrance consist of you&yours.

And last night I saw you in my dream smile at me,warmed my heart.

Damn!!! the flame rose in my heart..
I so badly miss you..i want you..
I crying

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010



*ok, it's exaggerated*

Honestly I seldom reading a novel because I have to visualized the scene, and keep reading the letter in a same time. I don't like it, since my brain doesn't have much differences from flagellata or Amoeba.


But I could throw away out those shit above, because I love Bartimaeus and MY LORD NATHANIEL hooohooo

I'm gonna miss Nat's Sarcasm, pureness (?), and love feeling TTTTTTTT__________TTTTTTTTT

But wait, Stroud jusT release the RIng of Solomon!!! A prequel of these trilogy!
Miss his/her (hehehe since Bartimaeus just a dust) wise-cracking.

I bet he/she/it definitely a Janitor cleaning Toilet room, no?!!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


oh please,,,somebody help me I'm beg you to by me this prequel hiks,,hiks,,I don't have money, and also it only can be bought on Amazon.com, coz Gramedia doesn't release it yet..

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Sorry for been stalking you hehehehe

Yes in this blog I plead that I've been stalking you for months through one of social network and your blog. The reason is just because I'm your fan but not your lover.

Honestly, I envy over your achievement, your brilliant, and all you gratify. Wish I could have one of them. Hehehe,, it must be need a tough effort.

On flip side, I Admire you, especially the way you spin a yarn, so powerful, honest, and always made me laugh loudly.

Thank you very much for your disclosure, so I motivated to boost up my English and often attain new weird word heheehe,,keep writing please..

Selasa, 02 November 2010


Syahwat barang yang cukup tabu untuk diperbincang pada beberapa waktu yang lalu. Alasannya sih karena tidak selaras dengan nilai2 budaya,,well tapi itu kan kemarin. Sekarang udah ga tabu lagi ;P.

Syahwat ini adalah anugerah Tuhan yang Indah, karena bisa menikmati kenikmatan yang paling nikmat. Cuman, ada caranya dan prosedur terstruktur untuk mendapatkan kenikmatan ini.

Oh ya, syahwat yang ku maksud di sini adalah nafsu buat nge-seks.

Ketika caranya tidak sesuai dengan keinginan Allah maka akan dilabeli sebagai dosa besar, kalo sesuai maka akan dicatat sebagai ibadah.

Buat manusia, benda yang bernama syahwat ini susah banget dikendalikan. Tahu alasannya enggak? Share donks.

Yang jelas sih, kalo syahwat ini tidak ditempatkan sesuai dengan keinginan Allah, bakalan jadi hal yang sangat buruk. Terlepas dari setuju atau enggak setujunya pernyataan gue ini. Tapi kenyataan yang gue liat kayak gitu...guys.

Kadang gue juga susah buat ngejaga syahwat gue kalo ngeliat cowok2 bening berbadan delicio XD.

Ya Allah ampunilah hamba mu ini..

Terus para pendeta, biarawan, suster, dan biarawati bisa ngejaga syahwat mereka gimana ya?

Aku berdoa di sini, semoga Aku bisa menyalurkan syahwat ku dengan cara yang Ma'ruf, dan orang yang dah terlanjur tergelincir bisa kembali ke protokol Allah amin..

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Indonesia Amid Chaotic

I lost my word to describe Indonesia's Situation nowadays. Various natural disaster greeting Indonesia at the same time, such as tsunami in Mentawai, Merapi eruption which rised death toll up to tens, Mud-flood in Wasior, avalanche, Lapindo's Mud, and so on.

And I fed up over Government's neglect attitude :(

How come legislative member go abroad for spree using public money while thousands people in famine?

Should I bump their heads with a giant stick?

Allah, please give us patience to face your test.

Rabu, 22 September 2010


You must be agree about my following statement below.

"Every man loves music very much!" And I do absolutely.

Through music we can share our feeling, opinion, and etc, and then Inspired other, -regardless to do better or worse-

The main genre which I love is Rock, so I can head-bang, screaming loudly, and burst out my feeling. Am I a musician? No I'm Not. I'm just a listener, and not savvy enough to create such beautiful music. For the other genre? Yes I like.

The next question, How actually music affect your life?
At least it decrease my distress effectively.

What kind of music that I don't like most?
Ok, I little bit hard to explain.
I take a large part of dislike love music. In my opinion, this idea tangled me all the time. But it would reverse when it's played along with nice tone.

So, how about you? I'd like to know you opinion about music as well! ;D

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

makin gede, makin memaknai

Ya itulah yang lagi dialamin temen2 gue, yang tentunya rata2 dah menginjak umur 20 tahunan ke atas. Misalnya selalu menganalogikan apa yang mereka telah alami dengan mempersonifikasikan benda2 yang ada di sekeliling mereka.

Gue, juga pernah melakukan hal demikian. Namun sekarang gue mengalami kebosanan. Cukup lakukan saja, kalo buat gue. Enggak suka ya labrak.

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Dara - "Tiga Kata Ajaib"-

Ada tiga kata yang sangat ajaib
Yang bisa mengubah hidup kita
Caranya mudah saja
Dengarkanlah dan ikuti aku

Yang pertama, katakan tolong
Setiap kau minta bantuan
Yang kedua, terima kasih
Saat ada yang datang membantu
Lalu ketiga, ucapkanlah maaf
Jika kau sakiti siapa pun

Katakan semua setulus hati
Dan keajaiban akan terjadi

Menurut gue kata2 di atas bagus banget!!! SIMPLE tapi tetap MENDIDIK!!!

Hehehe, kata-kata di atas adalah merupakan sebuah lyric karya Tere, yang dinyanyikan oleh si gadis cantik dan imut bernama Dara..Aransemennya juga punya beat yang enak, berasa aura "semangatnya"..

Seharusnya seperti ini lagu-lagu anak jaman sekarang!!!!

GOOD, GOOD, GOOD,,Ayo Tere dan Dara aku mendukung mu untuk selamat kan anak BANgSA Indonesia!!!hhohoho

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Let it rain - Epik High Lyrics

Wherever you go, whoever you meet, you can deny it, but I know
Wherever you go, whoever you meet, you can deny it, but I know

Turn on the TV and then turn it off, walk and then stop
Stand up and then lie down, somehow it’s being forced
Stare at the clock, close my eyes then squeeze hard, open up and glare at myself
Converse with the bricks that won’t respond, hold a cigarette between my black lips
Lip sync to the sad songs on the radio, behind a mirror no one sees

I comfort myself, and difficulty form a smile
In the dark night when sharp wind blows, gloomy clouds break me apart
As I look at the bright moon I go insane, it’s almost bearable
The fingerprints on my thumb start to fade
I’ve been able to through a night without your call, but then your name flashes on my phone
Your voice is heard, as my hand shakes
Smiling, I say I’ve been at the house all day
And I’m running to you, I love you, but I know

Let in rain (Let it rain)
Along with raindrops, my tears fall and wash away your faults
Let in rain (Let it rain...)
I’ll approach you with a smile, and wash your hypocrisy away

As the rain falls, I’ll bury the pain others aren’t aware of
As the rain falls, I’ll bury quietly bury your lies

Even though I know, I can’t say a word
Your feelings have changed, and they won’t come back today
After I meet you, I dream of letting you go with a course voice
My headaches bring tears that call the rain
I reach out my arms to wash your mistakes away
I try to hide my feelings with a smile, but it just deepens the wound
The phone’s ringing causes my heart to beat faster
A thousand times a day I kneel, or lower my head
Where did we go wrong? How did it lead to this?
Without a soul, I walk two paths
I’ll keep my mouth shut, holding this pained face
Because I can’t live without you, this one sided love is most important to me

Let in rain (Let it rain)
Along with raindrops, my tears fall and wash away your faults
Let in rain (Let it rain...)
I’ll approach you with a smile, and wash your hypocrisy away

As the rain falls, I’ll bury the pain others aren’t aware of
As the rain falls, I’ll bury quietly bury your lies

Wherever you go, whoever you meet, you can deny it, but I know

As the rain falls, I’ll bury the pain others aren’t aware of
As the rain falls, I’ll bury quietly bury your lies
As the rain falls, I’ll bury quietly bury your lies

Terrible, I can differ both "terrific and terrify"

Seems I suffer light dislexia.

What should I do?

Sholat Jumat

Berhubung gue ga pernah sholat jumat, jadinya enggak ngerti deh ritual sholat jumat itu ngapain aja. lagi pula Sholat jumat itu kan bukan kewajiban gue..hehehehehe...Tapi nampaknya jadi masalah besar kalo gue sama sekali enggak tahu tentang sholat yang satu ini.

Hal itu gue sadarin, ketika pada akhirnya gue kembali berdomisili di rumah orang tua gue, di dalamnya ada seorang anak laki-laki yang berumur hampir tujuh tahun.
"Oh iya, bentar lagi kan dia bakal menginjak umur remaja dan dewasa!!"

Lalu berbagai macam asumsi pun timbul di otak gue, salah satunya, "Mau jadi laki-laki seperti apa dia nanti kalo ga ngerti, ga bisa, and yang parahnya dia ga mo SHOLAT JUMAT!!!"

Yasudahlah akhirnya gue nyuruh dia buat sholat Jumat, dari cara yang paling halus, sampai dengan mengandalkan cara penindasan yang paling kejam...mwahahahhaa... *bagian ini yang paling ku suka.*

Supaya doi mau sholat jumat gue minta bokap gue buat ajak dia sholat jumat. Eh, bokap malah

PRIA BANGSAT!!! udah enggak punya otak yah ini orang..Emangnya anak loe itu pingin loe lempar ke dasar neraka jahanam pas hari kiamat nanti apa? HAH?!!



Untungnya adik gue mau juga disuruh sholat jumat sekarang....Alhamdulillah...
Terus, sholat-sholat wajib yang lainnya apa kabar?
Alhamdulillah masih maghrib yang baru dijalanin, yang lain menyusul, pelan2 yah...

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Cirebon Language

I feel so irritated when heard people talking with this language. Using high intonation, half ngapak blend with half sundanese, had driven me confuse.
But somehow I love this uniqeness at the sametimes.

First time I heard that language when I went home from Bandung to Yogyakarta by Bus. The merchants sell their own goods with saying "sewu, sewu, sewu, sewu or sarebu, sarebu, sarebu." And then I wondered "Where am I? seemed I'm not in west java anymore but not reach in central-java yet."

If someday you have the opportunity to travel around Indonesia, please visit Cirebon and assure you, that you'll enjoy the beautiful of this plece. And don't miss to have a try Tahu Cirebon!!!


Jumat, 16 April 2010

Growing Old

Old-aged, is a gate heading to the death world.
Suddenly this theme pop-up in my mind. Inspired by people who already old.

Ok I'm gonna tell u about stories of two elder women which is has different attitude of each.

1. my ex-ibu kost. She is be damned by almost room-render due to her mercenary attitude. She is so damn stingy. I wonder, what will happen next in her grave. Will God punish her?

2. my grandmother from my mom. She is very kind. Don't want to bother other, and I'm sure she will be find in her grave, someday.

Both of them still exist in this world.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Keep the passion To grab your dream.....

Ok, I try write in english to improve my communication skills both in writing and speaking. There is something I want to tell you. Yeah, its about your job which accordance to your dream.

I have a dream to be a psychologist since I was in senior high school and I still keep this passion until this time.

At that time I didn't have aby clue about what Psychology was. The one thing I knew was, psychologist giving an assistance to stress people. An then I entered to university, majoring Psychology. Thanks God, you gave me the chance.

Day by day I understood what Psychology is, The minor subjects and things to do after we graduated. (ConT..)

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Watching American film with your little brother

Now my brother almost 7 years old, and have not knowing yet about love in mature manner. A couple days ago I watched Benjamin button. It’s really common scene, if kissing activity had put on it. But, when my brother saw it I felt shame and I didn’t give any permission to saw it anymore. Hohohoho…As if I being Caught while I saw a porn film hwehehehhehe…

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

High Heels

Kenapa sepatu jenis ini ada??? bertanya-tanya saya. Padahal memakai sepatu ini sulit lho. Pertama harus pintar2 menahan keseimbangan badan biar ga kecele, kedua ga bisa buat lari, ketiga harus pas ama kaki biar bagian belakang kaki loe ga lepas-lepas dari sepatu.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu gue beli sepatu model kayak gini, padahal hak-nya cuman 3cm. Pas gue pake, bagian kaki gue lepas terus, malah tambah susah lagi buat jalan, bunyi juga berisik banget lagi, pletak-pletok...stress deh..Pertama gue paksain jalan pake ntu sepatu ampe ujung gang yang jarakny kira2 50meter dari gue.

Berangkat dari rumah jalannya masih anggun...ampe ujung gang jalannya udah ngeggang..malah diliatin ama tukang sayur and ibu2 lagi! sial...

Dari pada gue telat, akhirnya gue copot tuh sepatu balik kanan, balik ke rumah gue, tuker ama sepatu yang flat...hehhehe...ini lebih baik, paling ga mendukung gue untuk lari!

Di kesempatan lain, ada cewek yang nanyain sama salah satu pembicara di seminar career days,

"kenapa sih kok kalo kerja cewek harus pake high heels?" ya...kurang lebih gitu deh ya pertanyaannya.

Kata si pembicara yang notabene cowok, dia cuman jawab, kalau cewek berhigh heels akan terlihat lebih bagus. Haduh diplomatis banget sih ya...

Mbok ya bilang aja, kalo cewek pake high heels, akan membuat kaki perempuan terlihat bagus dan berjenjang. Di sisi lain, panggul perempuan juga akan lebih naik a.k.a lebih montok, sehingga membuat bentuk badan perempuan lebih bagus.

Singkat cerita, high heels dapat membuat terlihat lebih seksi!!!Hohohoho...inilah salah satu alasan gue males pake high heels.

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

hatinya terkoyak

Yang gue maksud di sini tuh hatinya Ken Zuraida, istri ketiga si WS Rendra. Gue tahu soalnya si penulis artikel di Kompas berinisial INK menuliskannya dengan sangat menyentuh. Salut deh buat si penulis.

Si Penulis ini pula juga telah berhasil membuat gue terenyuh sedih atas apa yang telah terjadi.

Emang apaan sih?

Jadi, barang2 koleksi museum Trowulan a.k.a Pusat informasi Majapahit udah banyak yang raib. -Kalau gue yang cerita kok enggak berasa dramanya ya? Hohohoho...- Terus doi langsung angkat kaki dari situ, tanpa ba bi bu be bo dan nyangsang di kursi mobil belakang, dengan rasa kekecewaan yang mendalam terhadap pengelolaan barang-barang bersejarah yang enggak becus. -Kalau ini interpretasi gue hwehehehehhehehehe...-

Ya, ampun..ke mana sih pemerintah? Enggak ada upaya sama sekali buat ngejaga warisan budaya yang sangat amat berharga sekali.